Employment Opportunities

    Results: 5

  • Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers (5)

    Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers


    One-stop centers that provide an array of employment and training services in a convenient, easily accessible location. Services may include job counseling, testing and assessment; resume preparation assistance, interview training and other prejob guidance services; job matching and referral; unemployment insurance and job registration; labor market and career information; information on financial aid for education and training; and referral for job training, transportation, child care, personal and financial counseling, health care and other human services resources in the community.
  • Employment Preparation (17)

    Employment Preparation


    Programs that provide assistance for people who need information, guidance and/or training in specific job-related skills to make appropriate occupational choices and secure and retain positions that effectively utilize their abilities.
  • Job Finding Assistance (12)

    Job Finding Assistance


    Programs that help people identify and secure paid employment opportunities that match their aptitude, qualifications, experience and interests.
  • Job Training Formats (9)

    Job Training Formats


    Programs that offer apprenticeships, training through business practice firms, classroom training, internships, on-the-job training, work experience or other formats for training that prepares people for specific types of employment. The training may feature formal instruction in an institutional classroom setting, hands-on experience at a job site under varying arrangements or a combination of the two as the means by which trainees acquire the skills required to perform the job.
  • Special Needs Job Development (1)

    Special Needs Job Development


    Programs that seek out and create job opportunities in various fields for individuals with special needs, limitations and abilities. Activities may include development of jobs that can be done in a home setting; development of markets for crafts and other items produced in the home; and identification of other work projects of benefit to the community that individuals with special needs, limitations and abilities are uniquely qualified to pursue.